Hi everyone, just checking in. I loved Tuesday’s workout and it definitely made my pecs and back sore! I took a rest day yesterday because i was so sore, but I took a bath which really helped. I’m looking forward to doing yesterday’s workout tonight. How is everyone else doing?
Hey girl! I'm happy you're holding strong. How are you doing mentally with all this Q business?
Physically, I feel strong and good. I have made it a point to do something physical every day which helps the mundane of being home each day, all day. Food wise, it hasn't been too bad either though I'm very often not hungry. Mentally, I'm really struggling. I'm trying to keep myself together for my kids and it's really hard to see this through their eyes. I'm exhausted. I'm happy that my numbers on the scale and measuring tape are going in the right direction but man, I just want to hear something positive and that things are getting better instead of all the chaos and doom and gloom. These workouts are a bright spot for sure.
Staying healthy through nutrition and workouts is the first step, I'm soooo happy I've been able to help you through this. Now we have to work on you staying mentally healthy.
Here are some tips.
1. Over the weekend cleanse yourself of the news. You can keep alerts on your phone but don't watch it.
2. Feed your mind with positivity. Maybe get a self-help book like The Power Of Now. I've recommended it to a lot of people.
3. Take this experience one day at a time. If you look too far ahead you will get anxiety so do the best you can do every day to get through it.
4. Don't feed your mind junk food. When you start thinking negative thoughts, replace it with a positive affirmation like - "I got this." Repeat that affirmation/mantra over and over again until you stop with the negative.
Thank you for opening up Linda. Does anyone else have any tips on how to stay mentally strong?
Sending you a big virtual hug!