Hi there!
Just joined and though excited — a little overwhelmed. Where to start?
Planning an overhaul, not only to get me back on track but a real transformation to healthier living. Just joined yesterday. This is me: Ex- smoker (not gonna lie, LOVED IT). That said, haven’t had one since 14 years ago. No, not the steely brave type for quitting, one day just couldn’t stand it (my bodies way of telling me I was pregnant). Two kids later...here I am carrying what feels like two of me and yesterday I couldn’t get the top of my pants up, so I looped an elastic around the top button and thought at least this will work while throwing over a jacket and heading out the door to walk the dogs. Nope, didn’t work. 😉The elastic broke. 😬 Thankfully, managed to hold my pants up with one hand and the two dogs with the other. Got skillz!💪😜😂
Anyone else going into this 💯++, starting from a sedentary lifestyle?
Thank you for sharing your soul. You have come to the right squad and I am here for you.
I want you to do your best to live in the present. Every day I want you to work hard on earning your results. You don't need to apologize or be sorry for what happened in the past. You can't do anything about that now... It's the dawn of a new era and you are now part of the dream team.
Let's reach your goals and make 2019 the greatest year of your life. Okkkuurrrrrrrrr
Always here if you need me and as you can see you have some amazing teammates too!
Elaine, WELCOME to the TEAM! 😀
Thanks! Feels good to be part of it ... we’re gonna crush it!! 🙌 🙌