Hey Guys,
How are you feeling about your first week performance? Are you ready for next week? How can you mentally prepare yourself to do your best now that you now what's in store?
Week 2 sets the tone for the rest of the month. In week two you need to amp up the intensity in everything you do. You ready for this?
How are you guys feeling mentally? When you're strong mentally and in touch with your goals (why you want something) it's much easier to reach physical results.
I'm feeling pretty solid about my first week! Even after yesterday's hiccup, today I had lots of green juice and high-water-content foods to debloat and feel more energized.
I'm already working out for at least an hour 5-6 days a week, and that seems to be sustainable.
Mentally I'm feeling good, because I'm seeing results. I can see and feel that it's working, and that helps motivate me to keep going. My shoulders are starting to get definition, my abs are stronger, and my legs and butt are gradually growing muscle. I've lost a total of 2 inches in my waist and 4 inches in my "love handles". This has been over the course of several months obviously, but it still helps me stay the course with more recent programs like this one!
GIRL... THIS IS AMAZING. Your dedication to your health is inspiring to us all. It's not about what happens to you it's how you respond to it. I see people makes mistakes and they hold it over their heads for way to long. Way to not let your "hiccup" get you down.
You are awesome and your life is in store way more awesome... What you're doing is perfect and obviously working. Thank you for sharing your 1 week love. Week Two is high energy week are you ready?
Heck yeah - bring it!
You ready for week 3?