Hey, girl! I love that you are so down to get started. Monday begins our first one-month challenge. You will receive new team workouts every Tuesday and Thursday. In between team workouts, I recommend you do body-part specific workouts. Lots more content will be showing up in that playlist in the coming days and weeks. :)
I have some questions for you.
1. Do you work out a lot?
2. How many times/week do you work out?
3. What do you do when you work out?
4. What are your goals?
5. What areas do you want to focus on?
You need to be smart about this and go slow and steady. Don't over do it -- I want you to have lasting results. Do both team workouts every week and do body-part specific workouts 2x/week. You should pick 2 or 3 and put them together. That makes a 20- or 30-minute workout. If your goal is to get a flatter stomach and a nice booty, do 1 core and 1 leg workout. Does that make sense?
I am always here for you if you have any other questions! Thank you for asking. XOXOXO